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The End of the Universe

-Raiyat Haque


Spoiler Alert! The universe dies at the end. But how exactly? Well physicists and scientists together have come up with theories regarding how the universe might meet its final fate, and the most famous theories are the BIG RIP, BIG FREEZE and last but not least THE BIG CRUNCH. Now without briefly explaining each of them using scientific terms and mathematical calculations, a less perplexing summarization of those theories is given below:


Scientists found that 68% of the universe is filled with dark energy and this is what making the universe to accelerate its expansion. As a result, the distance between the stars and galaxies is increasing and theoretically if this continues then at some point the stars and galaxies will be so far from each other that there won't be anymore space curvature to keep the stars and galaxies closer and the universe will reach a state of zero thermodynamic free energy in which it will be unable to sustain motion or life. Simply the universe will become so cold that it will be unable to sustain life and all that will remain are burnt out stars, dead plants and black holes.


Now another possible theory that scientists came up about the end of universe is that instead of expanding, the universe at some point might commence to contract meaning that it might reverse back to a Big Bang, where the beginning of the universe started.

Now this may happen if dark energy change their way of acting. Rather than being repulsive, it might change its nature to attractive force and bring all the stars and galaxies closer. It would seem as if the dark energy will start acting like a black hole and bring every matter closer and closer. Interestingly, scientists believe that if this happens then it will be easier for us to communicate with other celestial civilization and maybe even meet aliens! But we will be dead by then.


For a long time scientists have known that the universe is expanding meaning that the distance between galaxies is increasing and that leads to more empty space and more empty space means more dark energy. So far, scientists believe that dark energy is a constant in space-time and causes the universe to accelerate its expansion. But maybe at some point, dark energy will become dynamic, theoretically meaning that there'll be more dark energy known as Phantom dark energy, which will cause galaxies to separate within itself. The stars inside will become more distant from each other and at some point the stars themselves will start stretching due to phantom dark energy. But that's not the end, this energy will even make atoms to stretch out its subatomic particles and eventually at the end every matter will just rip themselves off and the whole universe will just explode.

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