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Flipped the Script

-Nadya Tamrin


Over a year has passed since COVID 19 surfaced the world. With online platforms being the mainstream medium for all interaction, tons of events were carried on virtually. Kazi Tazwar Islam, one of our own students of BISC has shown how to make the best out of sitting in your room in front of the computer. Here is how Tazwar flipped the script during such an unprecedented time.

After June 2020, within the few free months after the AS exam, Tazwar earned 500 certificates and participated in 400 courses! Before the number blows your mind let’s hear what he has to say. He stated, “From June 2020 to August 2020 I participated in everything. I did not care whether I like it or not.” Tazwar implied that he was open to any sector of events at the time being. His journey began when he first stumbled upon an online course site ‘FutureLearn’. There he participated in courses on coding, digital marketing, web development, Psychology, Leadership, COVID 19 health hazard and teenagers’ mental health. He then took part in courses under UNICEF, WHO and Microsoft. Later he went on to do courses held by Harvard University, Stanford University, Monash University, John Hopkins University and more. He mentioned that once he got the certificates from the renowned institutes, he began to share on social media. “About 50 students messaged me to know how I got it”, said Tazwar. He learned the popular programming code C++; Java; Python and graphics designing from free courses arranged by the government of Bangladesh. He joined a couple of other online courses arranged by national centers, such as Robi 10 minute school, Muktopaath, BYLC, BRAC, UNDP, USAID, Health Service Division, BUP and Viqarunnisa Noon School & College.

While already excelling in various fields, Tazwar developed a craze for language learning. He earned the B1 degree in French course from Alliance Francaise de Dhaka, A2 degree in German language from Goethe-Institut Bangladesh and A1 degree in Spanish. He then sat for an online exam, ‘EnglishScore’ from British Council and earned C1 grade. He mentioned, “C1 is equivalent to grade 8 in IELTS.”Just when you would think that is all, Tazwar decided to participate in competitions and Olympiads nationally and internationally. He reached up to pre finals at both the international Youth Mathematics Challenge and International Astronomy and Astrophysics competitions. He participated in the Accounting and National Geography Olympiad; and came in the top 100 students in Bangladesh at the Accounting Olympiad held by BUP.

Tazwar has the whole package to himself. He and his band ‘The WarMachineX Production’ won the first position at a music competition held by a Facebook page. Later, he won 3rd position at ‘SOLO MUSIC’ competition at BISC. Considering the numerous events Tazwar took part in, we had to inquire about his time management. He replied, “I had to compromise with my laziness, social media, friends and T.V.” He added, “Most of the kids our age are sitting in front of the computer and putting on weight. So I did physical activities as well and always remembered to remain positive.”

Surprisingly Tazwar has never participated in any event before the quarantine began. He said, “If it weren’t for social media and the free time I got due to the Pandemic, I would not have participated in any of the events.” In the end he was kind enough to leave a few wise words for the young stars among us. He advised, “You have to take the courage and come out of your comfort zone. You should not only worry about winning, just participate.”

A big congratulation to Kazi Tazwar Islam for achieving a milestone at all cost the pandemic threw at him.


Sites referred by Tazwar for online courses that you can look into!

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1 comentário

08 de mai. de 2021

Thanks a lot TBT for showcasing my achievements of the past year of the pandemic so beautifully. A big shout out to Nadya Tamrin for the write up and the interview. Thank you so much Nadya for all the support. I'm really very honoured and overwhelmed. I'll forever be thankful to the entire team of The BISC Tribune! Keep up the amazing work, guys. - Kazi Tazwar Islam

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