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She Felt Like Flying

-Najah Tahrim


Haven’t we all watched movies of people performing wild skateboard tricks and hoped to be like them one day? I always wondered if gravity works the same way for them. The Bangladesh skateboard community is very erratic. But it is slowly taking a turn as new skating groups are being found. Girls On Board (GOB) is the first all-female skate crew by Skaters Union recently found in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Skateboarders around Dhaka gather to explore the art of the sport as a team. Through interacting with the members of GOB we learned quite few insights of their skateboarding journey. Knowing that they all had the same reaction the first time was heartening. Let’s take a look at what the girls have to say for themselves!

The girls always thought of skateboarding as a fascinating activity. But they were disheartened to notice that girls barely skate in Dhaka. One day one of the members decided to go to the park with her sister and her neighbor to check it out. That was the very first time she put her feet on the board. She described it as a “wow” moment. She realized how skateboarding can be very personalized to each person. She told us that she would sit at home, watch Netflix and procrastinate until she introduced herself to skateboarding. She also shared that the community she skates with makes her feel welcomed and less insecure about herself. Skateboarding was an escape from all the chaos the pandemic brought upon every household. They all mentioned how skateboarding was like freedom to them. They felt like flying. Riding through the streets was like flying away from their problems, letting go of all the stress. For some it is therapeutic while for others it’s a getaway or a way to socialize.

On another note the girls brought up an important matter, gender bias in Bangladesh. They intend to break the stereotypes of limiting women on what they can or cannot do. They wish to abolish all the dress codes for women. While doing so they want to inspire other girls to follow along. They said that when they see a girl skating, they see power. Awkward gazes from men on the street are nothing new, but it still does not fail to bring down confidence. Having someone, even better a team to skate with helps to keep their heads held high up.

Falling down is the biggest fear while skating. The girls shared that there will be times when you want to give up cause you cannot get it right. But you just have to get back up and keep trying. Before you know it, you will be acing skateboarding tricks. You have to remind yourself, that skateboarding is a free space; you can invent your own moves. You do not have to imitate others.


Pro tip from Girls On Board: “JUST GET ON A SKATEBOARD!!”

Don’t forget to check them out on Instagram: @girlsonboardofficial

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