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Buckle up, It's a Revolution!

-Rageeb Juhair Nur


Welcome to the first article of our three part special feature, about skateboarding in the country. We named this article "Revolution", not to indicate any sudden change in the style or energy of skateboarding, but, rather it is about the revolution of Skateboarding as a whole in the country, mainly focusing on the industrialisation of this up and coming branch of sport.

Before we move on to the details, it is safe to say that it is necessary to mention our two undoubtedly brilliant, talented and influential guests without whom it wouldn't have been possible for skateboarding to be exposed to the general public at this magnitude. Without further ado, we introduce you to Rafsan Lazim, CEO of Skaters Union, and Rezwan Chowdhury, COO of Skaters Union.

Both of these individuals are Skaters, and are good at skateboarding without a doubt. Both of them have been skateboarding for a while now, however, skateboarding has been a part of their childhood as well. Rezwan mentioned that while growing up in South Africa, he and his friends used to skate, and that he was good at it. While for Rafsan, it started with a birthday gift, that led him to appreciate this sport, yet he did mention that he took a break from skateboarding for a while, until he eventually returned. Let's talk about Skaters Union now, the exhilarating initiative of Rafsan Lazim. Skaters Union has been successful in bringing skaters together, by giving them a platform to skate and has played a pivotal role in the exposure of skateboarding. However, Rafsan did mention that Skaters Union is part of a bigger plan, and will play a major role in the industrialisation of this sport. Their goal is to make a profitable approach, and have plans to execute them in time. They are also planning to make more skate parks throughout the country and open more Skate shops in hopes of flourishing the sport as any other in the country. As of now, many other organisations, which cannot be named at the time, will also be joining Skaters Union to help in skateboarding's industrialisation.

"We intend to reach every demographic of age, and integrate all walks of life to this sport." Said Rafsan, when sharing his intentions of industrialisation. The skateboarding community is now growing drastically, and it is also playing a vital role as a medium of socialization. Skaters like Rezwan Chowdhury are working hard as the face of this sport, also attaining international recognition. The Royal Bengal Skatepark and DOB Skateshop have been a part of the skateboarding journey in the country as well, bringing a form of stability among the skaters and kick starting the first phase of the revolution. It is high time skateboarding got its recognition, and we're looking forward to what's coming next. It was a delight covering our guests, and stay tuned for part two of our special feature!


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1 comentario

05 may 2021

Loved the article. Amazing write up! BRAVO!

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