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With Great Privilege, Comes Great Responsibility

-Nadya Tamrin


When the world witnesses’ injustice, oppression and inhumanity and people remain silent, it is certain that something has quite gone off the mark. With each person standing up is a step towards a better world. ‘Sameer Scane’ is the accurate representation of what it takes to speak up in the current world. In mid-2020 Sameer Ahmed an 18 year old Australian-Bangladeshi began his journey of social awareness with the help of social media platforms. While being a fulltime university student, he released over 13 IGTV videos and 23 graphic posts and gained almost over 1 million views in a year. He is the founder of ‘SameerScane’ ; working with a sole purpose to speak for those who are silenced and are left unheard . Hence, the motto “Silenced X Unheard.”

While talking to Sameer, he left us awestruck with the story of the inspiration behind ‘SameerScane’. He grew up in a well off family in Dhaka city before he moved to Australia in 7th grade. Studying in Sunbeams in Dhaka, Sameer was surrounded with an elite group of people. While his classmates were “living in a bubble” as he said, he preferred to explore Dhaka for what it really was and still is. He travelled a whole month back and forth from Uttara to Komlapur in a train with his uncle. Rickshaw rides were a means of his travel as well. “I enjoyed the authenticity and that gave me motivation to see more,” said Sameer. He talked about how things were done affluently when he went out with his father versus when he went with his uncle. While visiting Bongo bazar with his uncle, smelly, noisy and unhygienic were the words that came to his mind. Just when he thought about turning back, a young boy caught his eyes. Ragged clothes and dirty feet, he was sleeping in a van in the midst of the chaotic environment.“I felt so bad. I was only 17, how could I give back to the society?” He felt the responsibility to bring about change. To use the privilege people take for granted.

From two to twenty two, 'Sameer Scane' is now ever growing, with many young individuals taking on a stand with Sameer. The team works compatible behind each video and informative graphics. Every video and post is handled by the team efficiently, so that they have an impact .When Sameer was asked if he had one wish to be fulfilled, what would it be? Undoubtedly he answered "Fixing inequality". He believes emotion is a big factor when it comes to doing something for the society. “I felt like it was my responsibility to give back to the people of Bangladesh '' mentioned Sameer. He did not fail to clarify, ‘Sameer Scane’ is not an organization but a team project. He said, “Everything is done on the fly.''But it does not mean it's not done with planning, rather they keep their issues relevant, hence on the fly. Sameer plans to return to the country for a while, to work on home ground. He plans on holding mental health and sex education campaigns, mentioning they were his top priorities.

Having an online based platform reaches out to a wide range of people. As good as it can be, hate comments can flow in within a snap. Sameer shared that he faced online revulsion due to his accent. He also added that when he filmed in front of a black backdrop the privilege shame dropped significantly. He realized that a neutral background will help to get his words as the local people threw shade at him for being in Australia, and filming behind an Australian view.

Putting social life aside he prioritizes the work behind ‘Sameer Scane’ the most. He proudly added, “My work gives me purpose and meaning.” Sameer Ahmed can be called a rare four leaf clover, one who is merely working to bring positive change in the world. His work has helped bring awareness in the country, as well as an impactful change.

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