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An Insider Snapshot: Earth Heritage Carnival 2023

-Mysara Juairia Chowdhury & Sharika Anjum


With 40 plus sponsers and more than 2.5k eager participants, Earth Heritage Carnival is set to become ‘The School Event’ of July across Dhaka. Excitement is running high among the registries, students and event organizers as more than 80 plus schools are invited to attend this buzzworthy event on the grounds of Bangladesh International School and College on 14th and 15th of this month.

But who are the masterminds working behind the scenes to bring this carnival to life?

BISC Earth Club is notorious for their strong presence, creativity and iron clad team unity inside our school. Organizing a fest of this scale is not the task for a faint hearted team. And the BISCEC team has once again lived up to their reputation and is preparing to deliver a spectacular fest that is sure to catch everyone’s eyes. An impressive number of 200 volunteers is working their blood, sweat and tears off. All these people are divided among 8 departments working unanimously to successfully execute this event. Among these 8 departments, admin is overseeing the overall coordination and strategies to make this event successful. This department is also called the ‘President’s department ‘as it is lead by BISC Earth Club's President, Ihsanul Haque Sajid. Logistics and Internal Operations are assigned to check scripts and make question papers respectively. BISCEC’s VP is operating as Logistics Head while Internal Operations Head is Faiza Farhin Shrestha. Maintaining order and discipline in the fields are overseen by the Field Operations department. They are also preparing all the field related segments like Escape Room, Treasure Hunt, Tic-Tac-Toe and Run for Life. It is ran by Field Operations Head, Fahmid Hossain Shafin. For maintaining diplomacy and to solve internal issues, the HR department has got it all under control. Amira Chowdhury, the General Secretary of BISCEC is working as the Head of HR to create these diplomatic ties.

Bored between segments? Why don't you stop for the amazing performances put together by the Cultural department under the leadership of Nusaiba Binte Majbah. We all are eagerly waiting to see the Decorations Team working their Fairy Godmother magic to give our school a complete makeover for the fest. And the Head of this team of Fairy Godmothers is Eqleema Khan, the current president of BISC Art Club. Lastly, we all got to admire the IT department's extensive reach and advertising power which skyrocketed this event’s popularity. It is being lead by Shawzab Mahmood, the former President of BISC IT club.

So, let us know about the ringmaster of this entire fleet: Ihsanul Haque, the President of BISCEC, and his Vice President Faria Zannat Oishy. It’s been only a year since they got promoted to Presidency and Vice presidency respectively. Both of them are quite well known for their chill and humorous demeanor. A trait that made this duo an instant favorite among juniors and seniors alike. Under their leadership, this event managed to score a humongous number of partnerships and collaborations. Remarkably, they also even managed to include the Alumni Association of BISCEC to contribute to the funding for the fest.

A fest of this scale is taking place in BISC after 5 long years of waiting since the completion of the sensational BISC Games Fest. Hence, the students are filled with eagerness to participate and to make their school proud. From teachers to faculty members, everyone is counting on BISCEC to make a blast. The school halls are buzzing with energy and anticipation for the preparation of the Earth Heritage Carnival. All eyes are now on the EHC team and their attempt to deliver a phenomenal fest.

Now, some words from our evergreen leaders.

“EARTH HERITAGE CARNIVAL 2023 is set to be an extraordinary gathering that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on all attendees. The event will serve as a platform for our future leaders, experts, and enthusiasts to connect, exchange ideas, and push the boundaries of what is possible and what should be done for the sake of our planet Earth and beloved Mother Nature. This grand event will be an once in a lifetime occasion for all its attendees to witness incredible talent, enthusiasm, and dedication that has come together to ensure an unforgettable experience”- Vice President

“With an exceptional lineup of keynote speakers, exciting segments, interactive workshops and networking opportunities, EARTH HERITAGE CARNIVAL 2023 promises to be an enriching experience for participants from all backgrounds. Our team has meticulously curated a program that strikes a perfect balance between being innovative, educational and entertaining. Our state-of-the-art facilities will provide a captivating environment for attendees to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of knowledge and inspiration.”- President

BISC Tribune staff is offering our best wishes and support to the Earth Heritage Carnival team for a successful completion of the Carnival.


For more information, please visit the event page-

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