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He Who Crafts The Threads Of Your Dreams

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

-Rageeb Juhair Nur


Summer time, good vibes and fashionable clothing, what else do we need? Looking good is feeling good, either when you're hanging out with friends and want that perfect snap, or when you're at a party and want to dress to impress. However, behind every dress we wear, is a story, written by those who work till their bodies hurt in an industry which is ever changing, to make you feel jocund and happy. Today we bring to you the story of an individual who has been exceptional in every field he has ventured into. He is none other than Raiyan Chowdhury, founder and owner of Tapered.

Before we move on to talk about his success with Tapered, here is a bit about Raiyan Chowdhury. Prior to joining North South University, he was a student of Mastermind school. He has always been extraordinary in extra curricular activities, and has a knack in expanding his skill set. He also has a deep love for watches, and also plays a few instruments to bring out that inner musician inside him. In addition to Tapered, he also works for a youth organisation known as "Oracle Youth Community " and runs his own podcast called" The Other Side with Raiyan Chowdhury." Talk about being multi talented!

Well let's get to our topic of the day. First off, Tapered is a clothing line by Raiyan Chowdhury, which found its way to existence back in November 2019. Since then, Tapered has delivered exceptional products, bringing the fusion of formal clothing and out of the ordinary designs. When we asked Raiyan about how he came up with these designs, he said that it's all a work of his imagination, and makes whatever he feels like would work. Yet, all these designs must have a target audience right? For him, those who are genuinely interested in looking good and have the sense of being vogue, that's what he goes for. Now, let's talk about the work behind making these designs a reality.when asked about the effort he needs to give to bring up these products, he told us that it's a lot of hard work, and requires a lot of hours to be spent. On top of that, he mentioned the challenges he faces as a young entrepreneur, with many cases being not able to execute his designs, not being taken seriously and sometimes tailor's inefficiency.

However he talked about a quote he heard which has kept him motivated since then, which is as follows, " If you keep selling potatoes and not stop, in a few years you will have your own potato empire." We believe the meaning behind this saying is, if we give effort in something we give value, within time this 'something' will become what defines us, and we don't know about you but we feel like this saying exerts glory.

Now we had to ask, what skill set should one have in order to venture out on their own in an industry like this. He replied, " Dedication and the passion to keep on going." Wise words really. Although he did mention that it is okay to burnout for a while, as inevitably stress will get to you, nevertheless, the will to keep on going should be the drive to not stop. Lastly, when we asked for any advice he would like to give to the readers, he actually told us something unique. "When I was starting out and needed a jump to venture out, I searched for quotes online, and this particular one by Elon Musk is what I have to share. If you need a random person on the internet to convince you to start up, then don’t start up." This is a very powerful message, and he lives by it now, as well as shares it to everyone who is looking to start up. Those looking to set out into this industry, will surely benefit reading this!

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